International Association of Bible Colleges and Seminaries

Quality Religious Accreditation is the IABCS Passion!

The passion for quality religious accreditation began in the early 1950s when Bible college and seminary leaders officially founded the “Southern Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges, Institutes and Seminaries” and chartered under that name in Georgia in 1954. Over the years, the working name emerged to our current name, International Association of Bible Schools and Seminaries (IABCS). Read history.

Welcome to IABCS

IABCS is passionate about quality religious accreditation for Bible schools and seminaries. What does quality religious accreditation mean?

2019 IABCS Annual Meeting

April 8, 2019

Quality Religious Accreditation Standards

  1. Non-Governmental Editorial Control – Bible schools and seminaries welcome appropriate relationships with governmental institutions, such as obtaining 501(c)3 status and such. More and more Bible schools and seminaries want to hold each other accountable for the standards that deliver quality religious accreditation.
  2. Peer School Accountability – Accreditation agencies like IABCS have rigorous standards and processes for ensuring that member schools are complying with such things as quality instruction, proper governance, financial stability, accurate record keeping, and much more. Schools in IABCS voluntarily hold each other accountable so that quality religious accreditation is possible for members schools.
  3. Site Visits – IABCS has implemented site visits where peer leaders actually evaluate member schools to gain a third party opinion on compliance to IABCS rigorous standards.

Utilizing effective educational strategies, IABCS has become a catalyst for many institutions to grow their student body and add credibility to their curriculum. Our members promote mutual transferability of academic coursework among all IABCS schools.

If you are a Bible College, Bible Institute, Bible School or Seminary and you want to join our peer community, we invite you to apply for membership.

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Members Endorse IABCS

Christian Leaders Institute Accreditation with IABCS

Christian Leaders Ministries (CLM) Accreditation with IABCS

Christian Leaders Ministries and Christian Leaders Institute president Henry Reyenga and Christian Leaders College president David Feddes attended the 2019 IABCS meeting held in Atlanta on April 8. The meeting was encouraging and was forward thinking.

 Twenty-Eight Academic leaders from the United States and Mexico met to talk about such topics as rigorous but appropriate academic standards, fraternal Institution
relationships, service projects and much more.

Rev. Henry Reyenga, “This organization has an opportunity to be pioneers in high-quality religious education. The internet has made it possible to reach more people with ministry training opportunities.  The Christian Leaders Institute accreditation with IABCS is important to  our organization and the future of many schools and seminaries.”

Chrisitan Leaders Ministries started in 2001. In 2006, Chrisitan Leaders Institute was formed to generosity-driven online ministry training. Christian Leaders Institute is serious about offering this training to the world. In 2019, Christian Leaders Ministries launched Christian Leaders College.  The International Association of Bible Colleges and Seminaries offers four important benefits for our Christian Leaders Ministries.

  1. An Organization of Credibility support

    Since CLM offers an exclusively online training platform, IABCS is suited as a real asset for credibility for CLM! Peer evaluation of the CLM’s programs assures students and other schools CLM is effective as a place to study ministry.

  2. A Fellowship With Other Religious Schools

    Reyenga said at the meeting, “I love meeting key leaders from other schools serious about high-quality religious education.”

  3. Learn about New Innovative Ideas

    When passionate leaders meet together who have an attitude of generosity great things happen.  These religious leaders bring new ideas to the table. Some ideas are very helpful!

  4. Non-Government Accreditation

    Christian Leaders Ministries likes the focus away from any federal government accreditation involvement. Reyenga said, “Our school educates people from everywhere. We believe in the separation of church and state especially in the editorial voice, that is accreditation.”

Christian Leaders Institute recommends religious schools check out IABCS.  Reyenga said, “I see this organization making a big difference! Dr. Randal S. Langley is president of IABCS. He is motivated to making non-governmental, high-quality religious education accreditation a world-changing movement for future schools”